Get personalized assistance in a photographic project
This weekend workshop in digital photography was designed to help participants with their own projects. The increasing sophistication of cameras and the wide variety of accessories and lighting devices requires a constant update of practice.
This workshop was led by photographer Alain Lefort, who answered participants' problems and questions about digital photography and provided support. The exercises and demonstrations benefited all participants. Participants had access to TOPO equipment but were also able to bring their own cameras as well as objects, subjects and accessories to experiment with. Projects started on Saturday that were not completed during the day could be continued the next day. A lot of equipment was made available to the participants, with the support of the artist Maxime-Alexandre Gosselin, photographer by training.
Participants were invited to express their wishes regarding this workshop in the registration form in order to best prepare the session.
→ Dates: Saturday, January 28 and open studio on Sunday, January 29
→ Times: from 10 am to 5 pm
→ Location:5445 de Gaspé, Montreal, space 608
→ Cost: $75
Dates : Saturday January 28th, and open studio on Sunday 29th, from 10am to 5pm
Lieu : TOPO [5445 de Gaspé, MTL, space 608]
Duration : 6 mandatory hours + 6 optional hours
Price : 75 $
Level : Intermediate
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Alain Lefort