Michelle Citron [CHICAGO]
le mercredi 17 octobre à La Centrale et le 18 octobre à l’UQAM
Mixed Greens is a do-it-yourself movie about identity, belonging and the things we desire. It consists of two stories: four generations of Irish Jewish heritage played against four decades of lesbian life. In public presentations, the artist simulates the interactive interface by asking the public to vote by using cards.
Michelle Citron creates films and interactive videos that have been shown at museums and festivals and which are a part of many institutional collections. In her series of cd-roms Queer Feast, she explores lesbian contemporary culture. Author of Home Movies and Other Necessary Fictions (University of Minnesota Press, 1999), she is currently Chair of the Department for Interdisciplinary Art, Columbia College (Chicago).
Other interactives works from Michelle Citron include:
Cocktails and Appetizers
Sexy photographs make good cocktail-party bitching in Cocktails & Appetizers. Max, a photographer, spends a day taking photos of Jesse. An homage to lesbian pulp fiction novels of the 50’s, Cocktails is an interactive narrative about women looking at women, taking a risk, and falling in love.
As American as Apple Pie
A tale of food, sex, family, and what happens after the first kiss is over. Building the story from overheard fragments, you also learn how to make an apple pie!